We specialize in the political economics of the Middle East and Central Asia.Our blog features some of our latest original research and analysis.
Iran wants to save JCPOA, just not yet
Medium|Steven Terner|Feb 19, 2021
Iranian government lags behind on data regulations
Medium|Steven Terner|Dec 9, 2020
Areas Of Expertise Include:
- Economics: Sector and Country-Specific Analysis, Data Policy, Banking Regulations, Infrastructure Development, Emerging Market Ecosystems, Resource Allocation
- Politics: Election and Legislative Forecasting, Policy Assessment, Foreign Policy Decision Making and Leadership Analysis, Inter- and Intra-Party Factionalism
- Due Diligence: Company and Executive Profiles, Litigation Reports, Press, Risk and Liability Assessment
- Foreign Language Research: Historical Reports on People, Places, Populations, and Political Context
- Cultural Liaising: Translation, Religious and Social Customs and Practices, and Resource and Crisis Management